The player has the option to return to civilization on this island. On Volcano Island, the player will discover the remains of the llama people. A third island, Volcano Island, can be reached once the player finds the second beach on Airplane Island and builds a canoe. While exploring Airplane Island, the player finds radio parts that are required to complete a goal later in the game. The player then has the option to form a tribe of Sims if the relationship is strong enough.

After arriving on the island, the Sim is reunited with some of their lost crew. Shortly after exploring Shipwreck Island, the Sim discovers a second island, Airplane Island, this one considerably larger and more interesting than the first, and builds a raft to reach the new location. The Sim finds books detailing the goals the Sim must follow to survive on the islands and escape. The player's starting Sim wakes up on First Beach on Shipwreck Island. After the crew's creation, a slide-show starts of some mobile phone pictures that are taken showing the trip and also showing the storm that wrecks the ship. The game begins on a boat after the player creates a crew of characters.