Note that if you have another Anti-virus program installed the screen might be different as which point you need to just temporarily quite the AV program and redo these steps. Now select the link: ‘Allow an app through controlled folder access’.
_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0, 'AutoCAD', 'Error saving the document', 'C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk\\AutoCAD 2019\\HELP\\OLE_ERR.AutoCAD saving to c Drive problem. Loading the template file works well, but when trying to save the file (using the SaveAs method I get the following error: doc.SaveAs("C:\\Output_folder\\Document1.dwg")
The following in an example of my code: import win32com.clientĪcad = ("AutoCAD.Application")ĭoc = ("C:\\Template_folder\\Template.dwg")ĭoc.SaveAs("C:\\Output_folder\\Document1.dwg") dwg in another folder while leaving the template empty and ready to be used next time. My goal is to open a (template) file, adjust it depending on what is needed then save the file as a. It's mostly been working quite well except for being able to save files. I am using win32com to automate some simple tasks in AutoCAD.